• Ursus is published by the students of Brewster High School in New York and is a public forum for
    student expression, encouraging artistic voice and creative output.

    The Ursus Literary Magazine encourages its readers to submit original material in the form of
    poetry, prose, artwork, and photography to the editors. Ursus and its editors reserve the right to edit
    submissions for length and content. Submissions may be received via email or in person to any
    member of the editorial staff.

    Ursus does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or handicap in
    regards to its publication, submissions, activities, or programs. All published work honors the
    highest standards of creativity and artistic value, striving for an authentic reflection of the human
    condition and an honest emotional expression through the written word and the arts.

    Expressions and opinions do not necessarily represent or reflect the opinions of Brewster High
    School, the students, or the editors of the Ursus Literary Magazine.

    URSUS meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday each month in room 209. 

    The advisors are Ms. McTigue and Ms. Pastore

    Here is the 2024 edition of URSUS

    Please send your electronic submissions to:

    Or mail us at:
    Ursus Literary Magazine
    Brewster High School
    50 Foggintown Road
    Brewster, NY 10509
    Phone: (845) 279-5051
    Fax: (845) 279-7405

    Visit us at bhsursus.weebly.com