• Changes to the K-5 Report Card 2019-2020


    Why Make Changes?


    • Changes to various Standards and Frameworks at the NYS Education Department level across subject areas, including English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics, social studies, science and the performing arts


    • Further implementation of the Strategic Coherence Plan
    • Increased curricular alignment
    • Staff-based request to restart this conversation

    What are the Goals? 

    • Improved alignment, clarity, accuracy and consistency at the K-5 level

    2018-19 Changes

    • 1-4 Rating System & Commonality of the Descriptors
    • Special Areas alignment
    • Effort Comment
    • Addition of Perseverance as a Behavior That Supports Learning
    • Inclusion of Multi-Tiered System of Services (MTSS) K-2

    2019-20 Changes

    • Removal of Numeric Ratings (1-4 Rating Scale)
    • Removal of Numeric Ratings for 4th & 5th grade Math (the only remaining areas with a 100-point grading scale)

    Other Points to Note:

    • Transitioning from the 100 point grading scale to a non-numerical rating for 5th grade mathematics will be taken into account when determining accelerated math placement.  Staff feel as though given the number of data points that currently exist, this will give more information to assist with placement.
    • These changes were made by a representative group of teachers and administrators.
    • We will continue to collect parent and staff data throughout this year to evaluate the effectiveness of these changes.