• Arbor House (845) 278-4486 or (845) 279-2588, 24-hour hotline services for runaway children and teens

    American Red Cross (845) 878-7265/(877) 733-2767 (Disaster Relief)

    Arms Acres (845) 225-3400 inpatient and outpatient substance abuse services, adolescent after school programs

    Autism Speaks (888) 288-4762

    Birthright 225-8885 24-hour hotline 1-800-550-4900 pregnancy support and counseling

    Brewster Community Food Pantry, Inc. (845) 279-4325

    Bureau of Emergency Services (845) 808-4000

    CAP (Community Action Program) (845) 278-8021 or (845) 278-8024 counseling and information for low-income families, food pantry, and car seats

    Catholic Charities Community Services (845) 279-5276, Ext. 205 variety of services for Putnam County residents including SNAP assistance, immigration, ESL classes, utilities and rental assistance.

    C.H.A.D.D. (845) 278-3012 support group for children and adults affected by Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), meets for 1-2 hours first Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm

    Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-342-3720

    Child Advocacy Center (845) 808-1400 child-friendly services for child abuse

    Child Care Council (845) 473-4141 or 1-888-288-4148 child care information and referral service

    Child Health Plus 1-800-698-4543 low-cost/no-cost health insurance services for children under age 19

    Children’s Project (845) 628-9284 or (845) 225-7860 counseling to assist children and families, sliding scale, no one turned away

    Community Cares (845) 621-CARE (2273)

    Coordinated Youth and Family Services Project (845) 808-1600 strength-based family assessment, service coordination

    Cornell Cooperative Extension of Putnam County (845) 278-6738 youth, family development, 4-H clubs

    Crisis Text Line – Text “START” to 741-741 Free, 24/7, confidential

    Family Support (Putnam Family & Community Services) (845) 225-2700 support, information, referrals for parents with children at risk

    Father’s Rights Association of New York State (516) 783-1636 for parents who want an active role in their children’s lives

    Green Chimneys Children’s Services (845) 279-2995 therapeutic day school, nursery school, camp, residential treatment programs

    Green Chimneys Community Outreach Center (845) 279-1467 or (845) 279-2588, 24-Hour Hotline

    Green Chimneys PINS Prevention Program (845) 279-2378, ext. 202

    Head Start (914) 243-0511 for 3 and 4 year olds of low income and public assistance families

    Hudson Valley Community Services (845) 878-9078 counseling, advocacy services for children and families

    LGBTQ National Youth Talk 1-800-246-7743 (Monday-Friday, 4 pm-12 am EST/Saturday, 12 pm-5 pm EST)

    LOFT-LBGT (914) 948-2932

    Medicaid Benefits (845) 808-1600

    Mental Health Association in Putnam County (845) 278-7600 family advocacy and community resources

    NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Putnam Chapter (845) 278-7600

    National Domestic Violence Lifeline 1-800-799-7233 (24/7)

    National Eating Disorders Association 1-800-931-2237 (Monday-Friday, 11:30 am-7:30 pm EST)

    National Runaway Safeline 1-800-786-2929 (24/7)

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 (24/7)

    Neighbors Link (914) 666-3410

    Open Door Family Medical Center (845) 279-6999

    PARC (Putnam Associated Resources Center) (845) 278-7272 comprehensive programs for children (birth-5 years) and adults with developmental disabilities, in-home respite care for families coping with mental illness or developmental disabilities

    Pegasus (845) 808-1600, ext. 46126 free confidential program for children ages 6 to 14 who have a parent or family member suffering from alcohol or other drug dependence.

    Planned Parenthood (914) 761-6566

    Putnam Communities That Care (CTC) Coalition (845) 225-4646

    Putnam County Bar Association (845) 490-9104

    Putnam County Court House (845) 808-1500

    Putnam County Crisis Intervention Team (845) 225-1222 intervention, referral, and evaluation services

    Putnam County Department of Health (845) 808-1390, immunizations (845) 808-1332, nursing services (845) 808-1335, Bilingual (845) 808-1337

    Putnam County Department of Health-Children of Special Needs Program (Early Intervention) (845) 808-1640

    Putnam County Department of Health-Preschool Program (845) 808-1640

    Putnam County Developmental Disabilities Services Coordinator (845) 225-7040, ext.1203

    Putnam County Dispute Resolution Center (845) 225-9555 conflict resolution for families and children

    Putnam County Housing Corporation (845) 225-8493 includes Section 8 assistance

    Putnam County Impaired Driver (845) 808-1641, ext. 46081

    Putnam County Legal Aid Society (845) 225-8466 custody, violation of support, violation of order of protection, family offense concerns

    Putnam County Probation Department (845) 808-1111 requests for a PINS (Person in Need of Supervision) Petition for a youth at-risk due to out-of-control behavior, PASS (Parent Awareness Student Success) program, diversion program

    Putnam County Sheriff (845) 225-4300

    Putnam County Veteran Service Agency (845) 808-1620

    Putnam County Youth Bureau (845) 808-1600 information and referral, coordination and administration for youth development and delinquency prevention programs

    Putnam County Youth Court (845) 808-1600 justice for the youth by the youth

    Putnam Family and Community Services, Inc. (845) 225-2700 outpatient counseling services for adults, teens, children, and families; addresses issues such as anger, depression, relationships, stress, mental illness, alcohol abuse, and substance abuse; sliding scale

    Putnam Hospital Center (845) 279-5711

    Putnam National Council on Alcoholism & Other Drug Dependencies (845) 225-4646

    Putnam/Northern Westchester Women’s Resource Center (845) 628-9284 or (845) 628-2166, 24-hour hotline for women and children, domestic violence, sexual abuse

    Putnam Recreation Programs and Rehabilitation (845) 621-5594 therapeutic crafts, bowling, sports for 5 to 21 year olds Putnam Valley Parks and Recreation (845) 526-3292

    Safe Alternatives (Cutting/Self-injury) 1-800-366-8288

    Student Advocacy (914) 347-3313 advocate/attorney available to discuss child’s legal rights regarding school law

    Taconic DDSO Family Support Educational Advocacy Program (845) 279-2905 provides assistance with school related questions and concerns for parents of children with developmental disabilities and intellectually disabled

    The Trevor Project (Crisis intervention and suicide prevention service for LGBTQ youth) 1-866-488-7386 (24/7)

    WIC (Women, Infants, Children) (845) 808-1416