J.F.K. Elementary School is in session from 9:10 AM - 3:40 PM
Attendance Office Phone: 845-279-2087, ext. 4112Attendance Guidelines
Parents are responsible, under the school attendance laws of New York State, for their child’s regular and punctual attendance. A lawful excuse is defined as follows:
Sickness of pupil
- Sickness in family (not to exceed 3 days)
- Death in family
- Extremely bad weather
- Impassible roads
- religious observations
The following would be considered illegal excuses for student absences:
- Parent work schedule
- Errands
- Going to the city
- Shopping
- Caring for siblings
- Vacation
New York State Law requires a written excuse each time a child is absent or late. The excuse should be sent with the child when he/she returns to school or on the day of lateness. The reason for the absence or lateness and dates of absence should be included in the excuse. This excuse needs to be signed by a parent or guardian. Parents are requested to call the Attendance Office if their child is going to be absent or tardy. Children arriving after 9:10 AM are considered late to school and must check-in at the Attendance Office, front window, and prior to going to class. John F. Kennedy School: 279-2087 extension 4112.
If a child is to be dismissed from school early, the parent or person authorized by the parent must pick up the child at the Attendance Office. The authorization must be in writing by the parent or guardian. End of day pick-ups at J.F.K. are by the cafeteria. Kindergarten is 3:30 - 3:40, First Grade and Second Grade are 3:40 - 3:50. Window pick-ups end at 2:00 PM.
Homework may be requested through the Attendance Office on the second day of an absence. Twenty-four hours notice is required.