Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Recine
Welcome to Fourth Grade!
We look forward to beginning the school year by helping your child to feel safe and comfortable in our classrooms. Our incoming fourth grade students will be immersed quickly into an exciting school year.
Mrs. Recine and Mrs. Roma (previously known as Miss Tangredi) are the teachers who will be working with your child. Mrs. Roma will be teaching the subjects of Science and Math. Mrs. Recine will be teaching Language Arts (reading and writing). Social Studies will be taught by the homeroom teachers using a project-oriented program.
Please be sure to read the supply list below so that your child comes to school prepared each day. Students will need sharpened pencils with an eraser, green communication folder (provided by the school), and assignment pad (also provided by the school) every single day. Please check your child’s assignment pad nightly. This is an important communication tool for our team!
If you would like to contact us please call the main office at 279-4018 and leave a message or send a note to school with your child. We can also be reached by email at and
Encourage your child to practice multiplication facts over the summer, practice addition and subtraction, and continue to read nightly. We hope you and your family have a wonderful, relaxing summer and we look forward to meeting your child in September.
Mrs. Recine
Mrs. Roma