• Brewster Opportunities: P-Tech
    P-Tech Logo

  • Timeline for first cohort


    The Brewster Opportunities: P-Tech Program in partnership with both Westchester Community College (WCC) and the Brewster Chamber of Commerce is the first of its kind in Putnam County. This program will allow students to earn an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree from WCC and, through the Brewster Chamber of Commerce, graduates will be given priority access to potential job openings.


    • Cybersecurity AAS
      • Students harness the principles of business security to break into the fields of information systems, information assurance, cyber-security, and digital forensics.
    • Mechanical Technology AAS
      • Students, aided by fully equipped mechanical and computerized laboratories, combine both the theoretical and practical aspects of a design as well as the manufacturing of the product.
    • Electrical Technology AAS
      • Students take a multi-disciplinary approach to power utilities, electronics in health care, computers, automotive control, robotics, and allied fields through theoretical and hands-on exercises.


    Upon graduation, students have the academic and professional skills required to either continue their education in a four-year postsecondary institution or enter into entry-level careers in competitive fields.


    • Summer Bridge
    • Extended school day with tutoring
    • Saturday academy 

    P-Tech, Pathways to Technology, is a public education reform model focused on college attainment and career readiness for grades 9-14. Students participate in a range of workplace experiences, including mentorship, worksite visits, and paid internships.

    After completing the P-Tech program, students receive their high school diploma and a FREE two-year postsecondary degree in a STEM field.