Programs for English Language Learners
Brewster Schools is proud to serve a diverse community. We work hard to support all learners and value the unique experiences students bring with them as they become a part of our classrooms. We currently offer three different programs to meet the needs of our English language Learners (ELLs).
1. English as a New Language (ENL)
2. Dual Language (DL)
3. Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE)
Please visit the individual page for each program to learn more or reach out to the ENL specialist with any questions you may have.
Guiding Principles
Our Department has a shared philosophy that is based on current research and a deep understanding of our community needs. The ENL Department aims to develop and maintain a continuum of service rooted firmly in the following principles outlined in the New York State Blueprint for English Language Learner Success.
- All teachers are teachers of English Language Learners and need to plan accordingly.
- All school boards and district/school leaders are responsible for ensuring that the academic, linguistic, social, and emotional needs of ELLs.
- The district engages all English Language Learners in instruction that is grade-appropriate, academically rigorous, and aligned with the New York State Common Core Learning Standards.
- The district recognizes that bilingualism and biliteracy are assets and provides opportunities for all students to earn a Seal of Biliteracy upon obtaining a high school diploma.
- The district values all parents and families of ELLs as partners in education and effectively involves them in the education of their children.
- The district leverages the expertise of Bilingual, ENL, and Languages Other Than English (LOTE) teachers and support personnel while increasing their professional capacities.
- The District leverages ELLs’ home languages, cultural assets, and prior knowledge.
- The District uses diagnostics tools and formative assessment practices, as well as new and home language development, in order to measure ELLs’ content knowledge and inform instruction.
K-12 ELL & Bilingual Coordinator
Jaimie Dini
jdini@brewsterschools.orgJFK Elementary School ENL Teachers
Christine Collesian
ccollesian@brewsterschools.orgGabriele Lappe
glappe@brewsterschools.orgLorraine Lennon
llennon@brewsterschools.orgBernadette Lund
blund@brewsterschools.orgDaisy Jimenez
djimenez@brewsterschools.orgMyra Vario
mvario@brewsterschools.orgJFK Elementary School Dual Language Teachers
Victoria De Jesus
vdejesus@brewsterschools.orgKatiria Doherty
kdoherty@brewsterschools.orgCara Johnnessen
cjohnnessen@brewsterschools.orgKristen Peterson
kpeterson@brewsterschools.orgKristen Schneider
kschneider@brewsterschools.orgKelsey Stockton
kstockton@brewsterschools.orgCV Starr Intermediate School ENL Teachers
Alexandra Lombardi
alombardi@brewsterschools.orgNoelle Palumbo
npalumbo@brewsterschools.orgOlga Rodriguez-Binghi
orodriguez-binghi@brewsterschools.orgCV Starr Intermediate School Dual Language Teachers
Cynthia Corona
mguartambel@brewsterschools.orgErica Godinho
Mark Guartambel
mguartambel@brewsterschools.orgHenry H. Wells Middle School ENL Teachers
Karen Dakin
kdakin@brewsterschools.orgYanire Mozzone-Wickers
ywickers@brewsterschools.orgAlexandra Rattiner
arattiner@brewsterschools.orgHenry H. Wells Middle School Bilingual Teachers
Maria Angulo
mangulo@brewsterschools.orgJeanette Mendez
Ydalia Pena
ypena@brewsterschools.orgBrewster High School ENL Teachers
Aderlin Lastella
alastella@brewsterschools.orgSara Moran
smoran@brewsterschools.orgPaula Richardson
prichardson@brewsterschools.orgRachel Rivera
rrivera@brewsterschools.orgBrewster High School Bilingual Teachers
Maria Smyth
Jessica Zhinin