• Academic Intervention Services (AIS)

    The New York State Education Department requires that we develop and communicate the process for determining which students receive Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA) as a result of the NYS grades 3-8 assessments. Academic Intervention Services (AIS) are supplemental instruction and/or student support services intended to assist students in meeting the expectations of the Common Core Learning Standards. This additional support or instruction is intended to address barriers to improved academic performance, assist students who are at risk of not meeting standards in English Language Arts, mathematics, science and/or social studies in grades K-12 and assist students who have not met designated performance levels in English Language Arts, mathematics, science and/or social studies. Students are identified for AIS services through a two-step process. First, any student that receives a scale score below the median Level 2 (Partially Proficient) and Level 3 (Proficient) on either the mathematics or the ELA assessment will be considered initially eligible. Please see the chart below for this “cut score” by grade level and subject area.

  • Grades 3-8 English Language Arts Scale Score Ranges by Performance Level and Median
    Scale Score between Level 2 and Level 3

  • Grades 3-8 Mathematics Scale Score Ranges by Performance Level and Median Scale Score
    between Level 2 and Level 3

  • If your child falls below this scale score, they will move on to phase two of this process. Each building has an established Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Team. MTSS is a school-wide, data-driven prevention system that combines Response to Intervention (RtI) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to maximize academic and behavioral instruction and intervention for children. This team meets regularly to determine appropriate interventions based upon student need. If your child is considered initially eligible based on their NYS ELA or mathematics assessment score, they will be referred to the MTSS Team. At this stage, the team of professionals will examine additional data to determine whether intervention is needed, and if so, what resources will be utilized. A NYS MTSS parent site describes the structure for determining levels of interventions. The criteria used is as follows:

    1. All students performing below the median scale score between levels 2 and 3 are identified as eligible (see chart above for that score).
    2. Once a student is identified as eligible, local measures will then be examined to determine the necessity and/or appropriateness of AIS support:
      1. At C.V. Starr Intermediate School, a combination of any of the following measures will be utilized: STAR Reading, STAR Math, Fountas and Pinnell scores, course grades and New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (if applicable)
      2. At H.H. Wells Middle School, a combination of any of the following measures will be utilized: Scholastic Reading Inventory, Scholastic Math Inventory, course  York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (if applicable)

    If you have any questions about AIS or MTSS, please do not hesitate to contact Michelle Gosh, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction, or your child’s building principal.