• Task Force Members:

    Keith Allen, Dean Berardo, Kristin Cacal, Cathy Chiudina, Judy Cleary, Tara Hartigan, Sarah Knotts, Ann Marie Kovaleski, Alberta Kozma, Peter LaMoreaux, Eric Larca, Michele Muentener, Scott Olson, Edward Placke, Carlos Rodriguez, Paul Stellacci, Patty Taylor, Jim Treloar.

    Task Force Charter


    At the January 12, 2021 Board of Education meeting, Fuller & D’Angelo Architects reported the results of the 2020-21 Building Condition Survey (BCS) to the Board and community. This report, which is posted to the Facilities Department website, contains recommendations for renovations and facilities improvements at all Brewster Central School District (BCSD) buildings and was accepted by the Board of Education on January 26, 2021. It was discussed and recommended at the February 23, 2021 Board of Education meeting that a Facilities Planning Task Force (FPTF) be established to include a diverse cross-section of the BCSD school community and the community-at-large.


    The FPTF is charged with examining all relevant data regarding the District’s facilities needs, and is further charged to report to the Board of Education with recommendations regarding the need for facilities improvements. The FPTF should recommend the best solutions to address facilities needs throughout the District, identify high priority improvements, and to develop realistic schedules and budgets for each project. The FPTF should take into consideration design features, as well as, educational and community benefits. The objective is to have a planning process that results in a broad consensus to determine the prioritized projects that will emerge from this collaborative undertaking.

    Task Force Authority

    The FPTF is expected to:

    • Consider the social, emotional, and academic needs of students and staff
    • Review all relevant BCS data
    • Consider the age, condition and size of all facilities
    • Consider enrollment trends, both past and projected
    • Consider the community's ability to financially support BCSD
    • Seek input from a broad range of stakeholders
    • Seek expert opinions when deemed advisable

    The FPTF shall be advisory and any recommendations it provides to the Board shall not be substituted for any required review and acceptance by the Board of Education. The FPTF does not possess the authority to make decisions on behalf of the Board of Education.


    In order to give all sectors of the school community, as well as, the community-at-large an opportunity to participate, the Superintendent or her designee will accept written requests to be a FPTF member from all interested parties with the selection process seeking a diverse and qualified task force membership. The size of the FPTF will be at the discretion of the Superintendent or her designee, and given the importance of this work, FPTF meetings will be scheduled on days and times that allow for maximum participation. Members are asked to attend all scheduled meetings and to approach their work with dedication and an open-mind. The Superintendent or his/her designee will inform individuals in-writing of the status of their request to participate once membership decisions are made.

    Duration of Task Force Work

    The FPTF should report to the Board of Education with its recommendations no later than November 30, 2021. The FPTF will cease activity at that time unless the charge of the FPTF is extended by the Board of Education.

    March 23, 2021

    Charter (.pdf)