Daily Announcements
Friday, February 14, Day 4
Day Schedule Happening at BHS 2/10 through 2/17- 2/10 Ursus meeting
- 2/11 Modern Language Honor Society meeting
- 2/12 BHS Chamber Concert @ 6:30, Cafeteria
- 2/12 JV Varsity Boys Lacrosse interest meeting, room 170
- 2/13 CyBearBots, room 270
- 2/14 Remember Everyone Deployed, Wear Red
MORNING BREW:Check out the latest edition of "The Morning Brew"/
BREWSTER BEARS BOOK BASH:Come to the Brewster Bears Book Bash on March 8th from 11am-2pm at CVStarr! See this flyer for more details!Attention GRADUATING SENIORS: Order your graduation cap and gown so you have it in time for graduation. Follow this LINK to place your order today! To go directly to the Cap, Gown & Tassel link, click HERE.Boys/Girls Golf: There will be a golf interest meeting on Wednesday, February 26 at 2:40 in room 151. See FLYERSenior Basics Presentation (VIRTUAL 6pm-7pm)February 18, 20, 25, 27Designed to equip high school seniors with essential information and tools for a smooth transition to college. Covering topics such as application processes, financial aid, scholarship opportunities, and time management skills, this comprehensive session addresses the critical areas students need to succeed. By attending, seniors will gain valuable insights and practical advice from experienced professionals, ensuring they are well-prepared for their next academic chapter. Join our presentation to confidently navigate the path to college and beyond.MATH TUTORING:The math honor society, Mu Alpha Theta, offers peer tutors for all math subjects! If you are interested in having a peer tutor work with you during your free periods, after school, or over zoom, please fill out this form and someone will be in touch with you when a tutor is available!
Attn: Juniors, Transition Planning MeetingsWith our post graduate planning in full swing, the counseling staff would like to meet with you and your child to discuss their future educational and career plans. At this meeting we will review graduation requirements, senior year scheduling, and post high school planning. Whether your child’s plans include college or not, we encourage you to schedule a meeting to discuss their future plans.Counselors will be available during school hours beginning February 3rd to meet with parents and students. Please call the Student Services Office to schedule your appointment for a Transition Planning Meeting (845-279-6074 and press 0 to speak to a Guidance Secretary).If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s counselor. We look forward to working with you to help -