• Welcome to Brewster!

    The Brewster Central School District welcomes all school-age students who reside in the district’s boundaries. To verify a property’s assigned school district, please visit the Putnam County’s Office of Real Property Tax Services website. 

    To register as a new student, please contact the District Registrar at 845-279-8000, ext. 6150. Appointments are required, and paperwork must be completed before your appointment. NO WALK-INS. 

    Kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 academic year will be held from March 3rd - March 14th, 2025 by appointment only.  Please click here for further information, or call 845-279-2087, ext. 4111.

    PLEASE NOTE: Registrations for the Middle School and High School are a two-step process. After meeting with the District Registrar, the parent/guardian will be contacted by the school Building Registrar where the child will attend.


    The following documents are required to register a student into the Brewster Central School District:

    • Completed District Registration Packet

    The student enrollment packet includes a checklist of items to bring with you to your registration appointment. Please complete one form per child.  All forms can be found on our Registration Forms web page.

    • Proof of Residency

    All new students entering the Brewster Central School District must provide the proper documentation to establish residency. The documents provided must always state the student and parent/guardian’s physical address (they must reside together).  A post office box is never an acceptable address for the purpose of determining residency.  Please see the Registration Packet for a list of required residency documents.

    Falsification of any information provided herein will be construed as fraudulent, and proper legal action to include civil and/or criminal remedies will be pursued. Furthermore, the District reserves the right to recover tuition from the student’s parents or guardians in the event the District determines that a student is not entitled to attend the District’s schools on a tuition-free basis.

    • Proof of Age

    You must provide your child’s proof of age. Please see the Registration Packet for acceptable documents.

    • Proof of Immunization
    • School Records
    • Please bring the name, address, phone number, and fax number of the previous school
    • Most current report card
    • Request for release of records will be signed by the parent/guardian during registration
    • Most current Individualized Education Program (IEP)/504, if applicable

    Change of Address

    Changes of address are by appointment only with the District Registrar and require the same residency documentation as specified upon initial registration.

    McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

    The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 provides protections for students who are living in a shelter, car, park, bus, train, campsite, other temporary living situation, or with another person or family, due to loss of housing as a result of economic hardship or natural disaster. Students protected under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act are entitled to immediate enrollment in school, even if they do not have the documents normally required, such as proof of residency, school records, immunization records, or birth certificate. These students may also be entitled to other services. Parents or guardians who believe their child may be eligible should complete the “Student Residency Questionnaire” in the Registration Packet.

    If you have any questions regarding registration or would like to set up an appointment, please contact the District Registrar at (845) 279-8000, ext. 6150.

  • Office Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM

    District Registrar
    Donna-Marie Morey
    (845) 279-8000, ext. 6150

    Residency Officer
    Richard Arzon
    (845) 279-8000, ext. 6142

    To report concerns regarding residency, please contact:

    McKinney-Vento Liaison
    Sarah Vazquez
    (845) 278-8570 ext. 1369



    If you have concerns that your preschooler is not reaching the developmental milestones or performing as you would expect and the professionals working with your child continue to suspect that your child’s ability to learn is being adversely affected by a possible disability, please contact the Pupil Personnel Services Office.